Thursday 25 June 2020 14:00
Sale information



25 JUNE 2020 - DROUOT ONLINE - 14H00

Contact & Information :
Céline Lasterre-Blot :
+ 33 (0)1 45 66 54 96

Sales costs 25% VAT included
Considering the sanitary situation and the governmental provisions to control the spread of the COVID virus 19:

- It is not possible to make an appointment to see the batches, the online catalogue takes the place of exhibition

- For the withdrawal of the batches, the dispatch will be privileged, the delivery of the batches can be imperatively done only by appointment requested by mail to confirmed by return of mail from the svv MORAND ET MORAND and in the sanitary conditions of strict social distancing and wearing of mask by the customers under penalty of refusal of the reception of the customer and the delivery.

- The payments of the slips will have to be PREVIOUSLY carried out either by transfer (RIB in the foot of the slip) or by payment on our website:

- For more information on the conditions of sale, please refer to our GTC

To participate :

- Compulsory registration on Drouotonline

- Bidding ceiling limited to 100 euros: deposit on credit card obligatory to remove the ceiling (debit in case of non-payment of the slip)

Sales conditions