• Sold 9 900 euros
    Secrétaire à cylindre ouvrant par trois tiroirs en ceinture
    dont celui du centre à secret, ...
    Style Louis XVI, après 1900.
  • Sold 5 400 euros
    Bureau plat à bords contournés en marqueterie de laiton e
    t écaille de tortue teintée rouge en partie et contrepartie.
    Époque Napoléon III

Paintings, Furniture & Works of classic art

The inventiveness and quality of French decorative arts throughout the centuries and styles, from the MIDDLE AGES to the SECOND EMPIRE of NAPOLEON III, including the RENAISSANCE, LOUIS XIII, LOUIS XIV, LOUIS XV, LOUIS XVI, the EMPIRE, or the RESTORATION, need no further demonstration and make for the best days at DROUOT. Whether it is for FURNITURE or CLASSIC ART OBJECTS, TABLEWARE, or ANTIQUE FURNITURE, COMMODES or ARMCHAIRS, SECRETARIES or FLAT or CYLINDER DESKS, VANITY TABLES, or BRONZES or SILVERWARE, CLOCKS or CARTELS, CHANDELIERS or WALL SCONCES, CARPETS or TAPESTRIES... from our greatest artisans, cabinetmakers, or joiners such as André Charles BOULLE or CRESCENT, BVRB or HACHE, JACOB or CARLIN, SENNÉ or LELEU, MOLITOR... TAHAN, BIENNAIS, or SORMANI, or the houses of BACCARAT or SAINT LOUIS, Christofle or Odiot, the porcelain from LIMOGES or PARIS.

DROUOT is a museum of ephemeral decorative arts, where anyone can acquire a piece of our artisanal and artistic history, coveted worldwide, by becoming the proud winner of one of its treasures, auctioned daily under our ivory gavel!

Morand and Morand is at your complete disposal, along with its specialized experts, to appraise, estimate, and auction your furniture, classic art objects, and silverware at DROUOT or on DROUOTONLINE.

Estimating and appraising your antiques

If you wish to sell your antiques, pricing them correctly is never easy. Indeed, a price that is too low gives the impression that something is wrong, while a price that is too high can be discouraging. Therefore, it is essential to have your items evaluated to sell them at the right price. Several solutions are available to you.

Can you estimate antiques yourself ?

Various tools are available to help you estimate antiques online by yourself.

You can use:

- A resale website.
- Online flea market platforms.
- A specialized mobile app.

By consulting peer-to-peer sales sites, you can identify the price at which similar items are currently being sold. This solution works well for selling small items, although the prices on these types of sites do not always reflect the true market value, and many fakes and counterfeits circulate.

Online flea market platforms can help you estimate the value of more specific items, such as antique rugs or furniture. Some specialized mobile apps can also help estimate the value of your items by considering market prices, their age, and condition, though they are less reliable for authenticating your items.

How can you get a free antique appraisal ?

Many objects in your environment hold value, whether sentimental or monetary. To get a free valuation of your furniture and objects, the best solution is to contact an auctioneer for a free appraisal. Indeed, they will give you an indication of the value of your antiques in a short time.

How to have antiques appraised by a professional ?

The auctioneer is an experienced professional in evaluating various items. To give you an idea of the value of your goods, they follow several leads and consider the rarity of the item, public interest in your goods, and its condition. They can work remotely using the information you provide through their website. You must fill out an online appraisal form and send photos of the item you want to appraise. The more details you provide, the more accurate the appraisal will be.

Thanks to their knowledge of art, history, and law, the auctioneer is the right professional to appraise all types of antiques and art objects. In addition to working remotely, they can welcome you to their office or offer an on-site appraisal of furniture in the case of a large volume.

Expert appraisal of art objects by an antique dealer or second-hand dealer

An antique dealer is a professional with real expertise in art history. They have a shop where they display antiques and furniture. Sometimes specializing in a period or specific objects such as bronzes or Art Deco furniture, antique dealers can provide a precise estimate of your item’s value and inform you about its history.

You can also bring your item or furniture to a consignment store. These stores will give you a valuation without requiring you to commit to selling it. However, for older or rarer items, it is advisable to turn to a specialist.

There may be a conflict of interest between these professionals, who aim to buy at the best price, and the seller, who seeks to obtain the highest price.

How to get antiques appraised by an expert ?

Auctioneers often call upon specialized experts to help more accurately determine an item’s value. In addition to the auctioneer, you will obtain an accurate appraisal if the item falls within their area of expertise.

How to get a valuation of art objects?

Getting an evaluation or authentication of furniture or art objects is straightforward.

Free appraisal by photo :

- Take photos of your furniture or art object from all angles, including details.
- Describe it briefly: materials, condition, dimensions, creator, origin, etc.
- Send the photos via the provided link: https://www.drouot-morand.com/estimation-en-ligne.

Appraisal for inheritance or division :

For an on-site evaluation, contact us to arrange a meeting with the notary responsible for the inheritance and all concerned heirs.

We are immediately available to schedule this meeting as soon as possible (+33 (0)1 47 34 75 30 – judiciaire@etudemorand.com).

Appraisal for sale (auction or private) :

If you are considering selling works of art, it is recommended to have them evaluated and appraised beforehand. We can travel to the site or welcome you to our office for this appraisal. Note that our appraisal in preparation for the sale is free. Schedule an appointment with us to determine the value of your works and ensure a successful sale (+33 (0)1 40 56 91 96 – volontaire@etudemorand.com).

Appraisal for insurance :

It is essential, both before and after a loss, to conduct a precise evaluation of the value of an item within the framework of an insurance policy. This requires a thorough examination of the item, including an in-depth analysis of its materials and condition. A detailed report must be drawn up, containing a complete and dated description of the item, its current condition, and a replacement value estimate. This report can be kept or sent to the insurance company, depending on the terms of the policy (cost on request).

Why have your art furniture appraised ?

We are also at your disposal to appraise and evaluate your furniture in the following cases:

- Appraisal and expertise for a sale to ensure your piece or collection of modern objects is priced fairly.
- To carry out a division or anticipate an inheritance without disadvantaging any party.
- In the event of guardianship or curatorship, our position as judicial commissioners, formerly judicial auctioneers, enables us to do so.

In all these cases, you can contact our auctioneers, who may also call on our specialized experts if necessary.

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